DMC Vector Art Software
Help Guide

It is recommended that you read through
this entire help document before using
this software.

Select the help option that corresponds
with the appropriate software option.
Go To Help Topic Installation
Go To Help Topic First Time Use
Go To Help Topic Using This Software
Go To Help Topic Using Vector Images
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This software does not require any installation. It is designed to run off of this disk.

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  First Time Use

This software does not install on your computer therefore you will need to first create a file association for the thumbnail catalogs. This is easily done by clicking on the "Problem Solving" option from the main menu and follow the instructions for creating a file association.

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  Using This Software

After starting this software you will have a few options to access the vector art images. The first is to view the images by thumbnails. The second is to view the files by file names.

Selecting the option "Web Portal" you can register this software, access special bonuses and more.

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  Using Vector Images

These vector images are in eps file format.

They can be scaled to any size with no loss of quality.

Vector images can be broken appart, modified, colours of each vector can be changed and much more..

When an EPS file is imported and it appears jagged or "chopped up" or is not true vector art that can be edited then it has been imported with the wrong eps filter.

There are two EPS filters in most programs:

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
PostScript Interpreted (PS, PRN, EPS)

If you are using the first filter on EPS import (Encapsulated PostScript), only the header will be rendered. It will appear as a low resolution bitmap, but will print correctly to a PostScript printer.

If you are using the PostScript Interpreted filter, the EPS file will be imported as vector lines and can be edited.

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