24/7 Tech Support
It's Fast, Free & Easy!

D.M. Chambers and Associates offers a variety of free 24/7 support options.
To contact tech support by phone, email or call-back, you will require a free case number.
Sorry, no technical support can be provided without a free case number or customer number.
(Customer number is the number you saved when registering your software online.)

Please select one of the following:

No, I have not yet search the "DMC Support Knowledge Base" so I would like to check it now. (Please be sure to check here first!)

Yes, I have searched the "DMC Support Knowledge Base" but I can not find an answer. I now need a free case number.

Yes, I have searched the "DMC Support Knowledge Base" but I can not find an answer. I already have a Customer / Support number.

I have lost or forgoten my Customer / Support number.


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